Which is your decision-making style? – Part IV

Directive decision-making style

Continues …

Directive decision-making style is also known as independent decision-making, decisive decision-making, or autocratic decision-making. It finds it’s spot in the lower left-hand corner of the decision-making dimensions plane.

How to recognize?

You will gladly take charge in the decision-making process, while relying first and foremost on your own insights and experiences. You are likely to make decisions fast with a “make it or move on” mentality. You are happy with analysing pros and cons yourself and don’t feel the need for alternative opinions or perspectives from others. Relying on case studies and rules is often sufficient for you. After all, why reinvent the wheel? After making the decision you loop others in. Your communication strength is admirable. With it and with your confidence, others buy into your decision fast and trust the choice you’ve made. 

Key characteristics

Takes charge and action 

Feels more efficient if s/he can make decisions alone 

Is often referred to as rational and level-headed

Uses past results, rules and procedures to make the future decisions

Gains others buy-in into decision easily with admirable communication

Great for

Situations which have only one way forward 

Situations where swift decision is required without time for collaboration and consensus

Challenging when

Navigating new or uncertain situation, which lacks past experiences or existing processes to lean on

Response to different opinions is required

Advice from others is required

Teams want to contribute to the decision-making


Christian is planning a strategy workshop. He starts the process by recalling some of the past strategy workshops and making sure he understands the corporate rules for event hosting (budgetary restrictions, location restrictions, etc). Based on this information he makes a decision regarding the event itinerary and location. After Christian has made his decision, he informs the team and takes the next steps in organizing it. 

Next blog will deep dive into behavioural decision-making style. Check for it in the next few days. If you prefer to be informed when it’s up, then sign-up to the blog below (in the page footer). Please note, that if you sign up, your e-mail address is used strictly ONLY to inform of next blog posting. No marketing, no sales, no use of it for any other purpose. Just simple note when new post is up. 

To be continued …